Sunday, April 19, 2015

Living the Healthy Choice

Hello Beauties!

This is a recipe that’s SUPER easy and a great thing to make the night before.  This is a great way to make sure you have a healthy, delicious breakfast to start your day, and be ready to conquer all your classes! I got inspiration for it from an Instagram account called  Living the Healthy Choice, which is completely dedicated to vegan, plant based recipes. They are amazing, I highly recommend them if you want some more inspiration! 
 Vegan Overnight Oats with Banana

1 cup rolled oats
½ cup soy milk
1 pinch cinnamon
½ banana, cut

1. Pour 1 cup of rolled oats into a bowl
2. Pour ½ cup of soy milk over the oats
3. Mix the oats and milk together till the oats are completely covered and add the cinnamon
4. Refrigerate overnight, or for two to four hours till the oats are congealed into a mush
5. Add the bananas and a bit of cinnamon if desired on top of the oats

-Mary Frances Noser, BA Acting '18

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