Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Smoothies in February? Absolutely.

Smoothies are at the top of my list of favorite things. They're versatile, incredibly easy and quick to throw together, and they pack a huge nutritional punch, all while tasting delicious. It may be 20 degrees outside right now, but that's no reason to abstain. Just wrap yourself in a warm blanket and sip happily away while the snow falls outside.

In a season when most fresh fruit is out of season and therefore super expensive, smoothies are a great way to get your recommended daily servings in. Why? Because you can use frozen fruit! The fruit you find in the store's freezer section is convenient (already washed, and if necessary, chopped into small pieces for you!) as well as more affordable in winter, and just as nutritious as fresh.

Ok, you're convinced, but do you need some inspiration before you get started? No problem.

1. How about a Mango Lemonade Smoothie Parfait?
This, to me, is like a taste of summer. It really does taste like lemonade-- I didn't get much mango flavor when I tried it-- but without the tons of added sugar usually associated with the beverage. I left out the oat fiber the recipe calls for with no problem, and instead of using stevia I used just two teaspoons of sugar.

Pump up the antioxidants in your diet with this beautiful purple smoothie. The oats and chia seeds add protein, omega-3s, and staying power.

3. Maybe a Morning Smoothie, if strawberries, mangos, and peaches are more your thing. 

4. A newly discovered favorite of mine is Strawberry Orange smoothies.
This recipe calls for some fresh ingredients, but you can easily substitute with frozen.

5. Finally, I know this has been all about fruit so far, but who can resist the occasional Chocolate Smoothie for a bit of indulgence?
This smoothie is sweetened with dates, known by many as "nature's candy" because of their natural sweetness. The hemp seeds add a ton of protein as well as omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, but if you don't have them on hand you can omit them.

May your winter be full of vibrant smoothies! And may spring come quickly!

- Sara Zatopek, Writing Literature and Publishing '16

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