Friday, March 13, 2015

Healthy Indian Snacks

   I'm Brihathi Cherukuri from India, and I'm a freshmen here at Emerson.  Coming to a completely different country can be a hard transition to make, and one of the most difficult parts of leaving home is missing the food I'm used to.  Since I am a picky eater, it's especially hard. I've always loved Indian food - especially snacks like these chickpea patties. These easy-to-make and healthy snacks are spicy but very tasty! Back home I used to have these when I got home from school. These patties are a great snack for anyone who wants to try a really delicious Indian dish!
   This is a recipe and ingredients list from a cooking website called Archana's Kitchen. It only takes 45 minutes to make.
   Bon Appetit!

~Brihathi Cherukuri, Journalism '18

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